The Think Wildlife Podcast
The Think Wildlife Podcast
Interview 7: Freeing Shankar, India’s Only African Elephant with Nikita Dhawan

Interview 7: Freeing Shankar, India’s Only African Elephant with Nikita Dhawan

In Episode 7, join hosts Anish, as he speaks to Nikita Dhawan on her very ambitious Free Shankar Campaign. Shankar is India's only African Elephant, who is currently  in captivity at Delhi Zoo.  Like 3,000 other captive elephants in India, Shankar suffers severly from isolation, poor living conditions and countless health issues. Nikita's ambitious project hopes to, first, release Shankr from Delhi Zoo, and then transport him to a rehablitation centre in Africa. The campaign has recieved overwhelming support in the form of an online petition. In fact, the case is also being heard at the Supreme Court. This is certainly a very valiant effort from  Nikita, who at such a tender age.

Nikita is the founder of Youth For Animals, a student led animal activism group. Other than fighting for Shankar, she is also the Youth Ambassador for the Born Free Foundation and an upcoming student at Stamford University.

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The Think Wildlife Podcast
The Think Wildlife Podcast
This newsletter composes of weekly episodes of The Think Wildlife Podcast, I interview prominent conservationists and ecologists from around the world about their work. I will also be publishing biweekly opinion articles about various conservation issues.