The Think Wildlife Podcast
The Think Wildlife Podcast
Interview 15: The History of the WILD Foundation with Vance Martin

Interview 15: The History of the WILD Foundation with Vance Martin

On Episode 15, I interview Vance Martin, looking back on his 40 years as president of The Wild Foundation. We cover a wide breadth of conservation topics, including rewilding,  Nature Needs Half, COP15 and  the roles of indeginious communities in conservation.  Tune in to also learn about various of The Wild Foundation's intiatives, including the Rewilding Alliance, the Wolrd Wilderness Campagin and Coalition Wild.

The Think Wildlife Podcast is an intiaitve under Think Wildlife Foundation, a student led organization aiming to understand the illegal wildlife trade while also incentivising conservation through alternative livelihood projects.

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The Think Wildlife Podcast
The Think Wildlife Podcast
This newsletter composes of weekly episodes of The Think Wildlife Podcast, I interview prominent conservationists and ecologists from around the world about their work. I will also be publishing biweekly opinion articles about various conservation issues.