The Think Wildlife Podcast
The Think Wildlife Podcast
Interview 6: Upskilling for Conservation with Adam Barlow

Interview 6: Upskilling for Conservation with Adam Barlow

Our guest for Episode 6 of Think Wildlife Podcast is Adam Barlow, founder and Executive Director of WildTeam Conservation, one of the leading conservation educational platforms in the world.   Prior to WildTeams, Adam conducted extensive research on the tigers of Sunderbans, while also leading various conservation projects around South Asia. It was during this period, that he realized academics lacked the appropiate skillsets required to implement practical conservation strategies in real life.

This inspired him to launch WildTeam, which in 10 years has upskilled over 1,400 conservationists and academics with the relevant conservation skills, including project management, stakeholder engagement and fundraising.  This episode is particularly useful for  those wishing to enter the field of conservation. Adam talks about the skills required and how early career conservationists, who may not neccessary have the neccessary academic qualifications, can prepare themselves for the industry.

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The Think Wildlife Podcast
The Think Wildlife Podcast
This newsletter composes of weekly episodes of The Think Wildlife Podcast, I interview prominent conservationists and ecologists from around the world about their work. I will also be publishing biweekly opinion articles about various conservation issues.